Top economists: government in energy transition planlo

Top economists: government in energy transition planlo

This was justified by the fact that large gatherings of people and thus the risk of infection had to be avoided in times of Corona.

The demolition will result in around 32,500 tons of rubble per tower. If possible, this should be recycled and used to fill the site: A direct current transformer station for the network operator TransnetBW will be built on the surface of the two cooling towers. It is required to transport large amounts of green electricity from northern Germany to southern Germany via high-voltage lines.

A fire in a grammar school in Philippsburg (Karlsruhe district) resulted in at least 200,000 euros in damage. The fire broke out in a classroom on Friday night, the police said. The flames not only severely damaged the classroom and smoke the entire school, but also damaged the building’s electrical system, a spokesman said. Therefore, the damage could be much higher – an inspection during the day should show that. The cause of the fire was initially unclear. Nobody got hurt.

Hamburg (dpa) – Before the long Ascension weekend, drivers have to dig deep into their pockets at the gas station. The prices for the different types of fuel have risen steadily in the past weeks and months and briefly peaked a week before the holiday.

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The prices are now on the decline again, but at around 1.52 euros for a liter of E10 premium petrol and 1.31 euros for diesel as a national average, they are still as high as they were last autumn.

Diesel has thus risen by around seven cents per liter since the beginning of the year, and premium gasoline by as much as 22 cents. The price of heating oil climbed from 64 to 72 euros for 100 liters (with a purchase of 3000 liters, including VAT), a rise similar to that of diesel. The motorists’ club ADAC is particularly concerned about the sharp rise in the price of premium petrol. “The continuing rise in consumer prices is to be viewed critically,” said the ADAC. “Refueling is currently too expensive.”

High crude oil prices

The ADAC refers to the world market prices for crude oil and the current dollar rate. But the price of crude oil in particular has driven up energy prices, states the energy price monitor of the European Climate Foundation. While the price of a barrel (159 liters) of North Sea Brent had started at $ 55 at the beginning of the year, it exceeded $ 70 in April and has remained above this mark ever since. However, that’s still cheaper than last November, when the price of oil hit a four-year high.literary analysis essay example to kill a mockingbird

The oil market is currently fluctuating greatly and is in an unstable state. On the one hand, the OPEC states and Russia are restricting their production; on the other hand, the USA is producing from all wells. On the one hand, world trade and the economy are on shaky feet; on the other hand, the crises in the Middle East and Venezuela threaten a further shortage of oil supplies. Many analysts already see $ 80 or even $ 100 as the future oil price – as it used to be until 2014. “In view of the current situation, 70 dollars are to be seen as rather low,” says Rainer Wiek from the Hamburg energy information service EID.

Why premium gas is so expensive

According to the experts, the steep increase in premium gasoline compared to diesel and heating oil is at least partly due to an effect that can be regularly observed at the end of winter: If the demand for heating oil decreases, the price gap between the technically similar one increases Diesel and premium gasoline. But that is not a sufficient explanation. The refineries in Germany and Europe are not fully steamed, are partially repaired and maintained and are still suffering from the long-term effects of the low water level last year, when the supply of the refineries and the removal of the products were disrupted.

In addition, the oil supply from Russia via the “friendship” pipeline has been interrupted for four weeks because contaminated crude oil got into the pipelines. This requires the refineries in eastern Germany to make greater adjustments, both technically and logistically, and it reduces emissions. However, higher prices at the petrol pumps in the east or even empty petrol stations have not yet been observed, says the Mineralölwirtschaftsverband (MWV). “At least currently there are no supply bottlenecks.”

After a week of screaming and vomiting, parents take their eight-month-old daughter to the hospital. On x-rays, doctors discover a blister in the chest. A little later the girl is lying on the operating table.

The little girl is irritable and excited. He cries a lot, coughs and has to vomit again and again, in the end the vomit looks dark brown, almost black. The eight-month-old has been eating and drinking less than usual for seven days. The parents worriedly take their daughter to the emergency room at Midland Regional Hospital in Mullingar, Ireland.

The doctors there examine the child, who is moving lethargic and crying when touched. She has no fever, is average size and has never been ill after a natural birth on the calculated date. The mother breastfed the girl for six months, after which she already ate porridge and tolerated it well, allergies are not known.

Slipped organ

The pediatricians take the little patient to the hospital for observation and run fluids into her veins to support her circulation. All blood tests are normal and the situation seems to have calmed down at first.

Then the girl suddenly vomits several times again and is much worse off. Doctors therefore decide to take an X-ray of the upper abdomen and chest. An important and correct decision, as the pictures show: behind the heart there is a huge, air-filled bubble that does not belong there.

The bladder is the stomach that slipped through a hole in the diaphragm into the chest, the doctors suspect, as they report in “BMJ Case Reports”. Such a hernia is extremely rare in young children, in most cases it affects adults. Around 95 percent of the time, the stomach and the mouth of the esophagus slide up through the natural gap in the diaphragm. Many people don’t even notice. Others suffer from heartburn because some of the stomach’s contents flow back into the esophagus.

As an emergency in the operating room

Doctors do not know whether the child has heartburn, or at least his irritability could be interpreted in this way. In order to be able to better assess the position of the stomach in the thorax, have the girl swallow a liquid with barium, which can be displayed as a contrast medium in an X-ray:

In the picture the stomach filling turns black. The doctors are concerned that the stomach must have turned around its own longitudinal axis in the chest and part of the organ is being pinched off (volvulus). The passage of food is severely restricted, which in turn has triggered frequent vomiting. The dark color of the vomit is probably caused by blood that has leaked from a mucosal defect in the stomach and came into contact with stomach acid. In such a case, doctors speak of vomiting of coffee grounds.

A volvulus is always an emergency and must be treated surgically so that the constricted part of the organ does not die. The surgeons operate endoscopically on the little girl, which on average results in fewer complications than open surgery. You move the stomach back to its original position, but do not describe how you proceed. After the procedure, the stomach is temporarily paralyzed, but typical muscle activity can be restarted with a drug. Four months after the operation, the child is completely healthy.

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Solar power continues to boom in this country: the around 1.3 million solar power systems covered the annual electricity consumption of eight million households in 2012, and thus more than ever before, as the German Solar Industry Association (BSW) announced. In addition, according to a newspaper report, a new record was set in the construction of new solar systems.

Solar share quadrupled in three years

According to BSW information, the use of solar energy last year saw an increase of around 45 percent compared to the previous year – and thus a new record. “Germany is now reaping the fruits of its efforts in solar technology”, explained the general manager Carsten Körnig. Their share of the electricity supply has quadrupled in three years. At the same time, the price of new solar power systems has halved.

Record number of new solar installations

From January to November alone, new photovoltaic systems with an output of more than 7300 megawatts (MW) were connected to the public power grid in Germany, as reported by the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, citing data from the Federal Network Agency. So many new systems have never been installed within eleven months. In the previous record year of 2011, a total of 7,500 megawatts had been installed.

The data to date already show that the federal government’s targets for an annual expansion of up to 3500 megawatts will be exceeded for the third year in a row – and more than twice as much, as the “FAZ” reported. At the end of November, solar modules with a maximum output of 32,059 megawatts were connected in Germany.

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Solar boom is to blame for increased electricity prices

The massive expansion of solar power generation is also one of the reasons for the sharp rise in electricity prices at the beginning of the year, because the subsidy is paid by all electricity customers through a levy. In addition to the green electricity surcharge, other components are also increasing on the electricity bill of millions of households. According to the BSW, photovoltaics currently cover around five percent of electricity requirements in Germany.

The German metal industry is sounding the alarm: If the EU Commission removes the industry privileges for the green electricity levy, the industry estimates that around one million jobs will be on the brink. This emerges from an analysis by the Metalworkers Association (WVM), from which the daily newspaper “Die Welt” quotes.

“Incurable consequences” threaten

As soon as the review by the EU Commission began, companies that had previously been exempt from paying the levy would have to set up provisions for possible billions in the bill, the document says. This threatened “serious and incurable consequences for the existence of electricity-intensive companies in Germany”.

Bankruptcies feared

The provisions available for the past ten years would therefore “lead directly to the insolvency of electricity-intensive companies”. A suspension of the privileges could, according to the association, “cause irreparable damage to the fields,” writes the newspaper.

According to the figures from the Metals Association, companies will be relieved of around five billion euros in the coming year thanks to the so-called Special Compensation Regulation. “Without the application of the special compensation regulation, every job in the electricity-intensive companies would be charged with up to 300,000 euros,” writes the association: “Around one million jobs depend directly on the special compensation regulation.”

Metallers want to delay EU proceedings

However, the metal industry no longer believes that proceedings by the EU Commission can be prevented. “The aim must therefore be to delay the opening and to reform the EEG in conformity with Europe while retaining the relief for electricity-intensive companies,” says the association. “With a resilient will to reform, the federal government can bring about the softest possible opening resolution.”

Altmaier calls for a compromise from the EU Commission

Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier has called on the EU Commission to compromise in the dispute over the German discounts for energy-intensive companies. “We have to make it clear in Brussels that we need a little tailwind and respect so that we can implement the energy transition in a job-friendly way,” said Altmaier on ARD.

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Together with the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft, Altmaier wants to hold talks with EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia in Brussels today. Almunia is planning state aid proceedings against Germany because of the exemptions, which the Commission could assess as a distortion of competition.

According to his own statement, Turkish President Erdogan expects an end to the currency crisis in Turkey. Whether this happens also depends on an interest rate decision by the central bank.

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